Dear Suzuki Families and friends,
We are thrilled to be back to in person private and group lessons. It has been such a joy to be able to hear the beautiful music your children are making live and in person!
We look forward to having our first group class concert in two years! Details about this event were recently emailed from our office. I you have not received this letter, please contact
We are very optimistic about the opportunities that we can once again offer to our students. Our Cellissimo, Allegro!!! and Chicago Consort performing groups all have an exciting array of performances coming up. We hope you will join us for as many as you are able.
This newsletter will tell you about some of the programming we have planned for future dates, as well as some of the community outreach that we have been doing. We also want to let everyone know about the many accomplishments of our individual students.

Edward Kreitman